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BikiniOff bot Alternatives



Very briefly about the alternatives to the ex-popular Telegram bot – BikiniOff.

Original @BikiniOff – Banned.
@Hey Bikini Off Telegram Bot – Banned.

Best Alternatives:

Here are other bots where you can get free tokens from us:

What is a bikini off bot?

BikiniOFF Bot in telegram main screen

BikiniOFF Bot was a rapid way to turn a photo into a nude version of it in the Telegram interface.

BikiniOFF Bot options

Unlike other apps, it has several image conversion options:

  • bikini
  • lingerie
  • swimsuit
  • sporty style
  • business style
  • total nudity

Also, in the Bikini bot, you will get two image versions at once. If you are not satisfied with the result, send the image again. In our experience, you will get a good image the first time. But sometimes in difficult cases, it took up to 3 tries.


payment options
price: from $0.60 per 1 CR

What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Actually, I believe that the main advantage of this bot is its speed and good enough quality.

The main disadvantage is the rather high price of generation credits for each photo. But in this case, there is a good opportunity to get them for free.

Are there any alternatives?

Actually, my research over the past 15 months shows that there is no good alternative yet. The best one before BikiniOFF Bot was another Telegram bot, which eventually ceased to exist.

IndexBot NameTimingTrial Times
1AiPiPi20 sec1
2Nubee16 sec1
3Bra_Off_bot #BraOff1
4Face Swap#FaceSwap1
5BB Nude#BB1
6Deep-Nude AI 60 sec1
Bikini OffBanned
8ClothOff#Cloth5/Day → 2
9RealClothesOff bot#RC1
11Undress AI#Undress20 → 15 → 10
12SnapDress bot#AiD, #SnapD3

Read more about these nude bots here.

What can we do?

Many people and I wonder what to do if they can’t spend money on paid credits to generate images in BikiniOFF Bot (less than 20 sec.).

  • The most affordable way is to use deepnude sites with similar functionality.
  • A less affordable way without programming knowledge is to create your own neural network and train it for nudity. We wrote about how to start in the article about Deepnude Github.
bikini-off bot variants


My impressions of BikiniOFF Bot are just awesome! I highly recommend this tool for everyone who wants a quick and high-quality deepfake result. But there is one thing. It is banned for life. So look for alternatives, there are quite a few of them.

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