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PPnude Bot was banned? Alternatives


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PPnude BOT sparked a massive uproar a few years back, highlighting one of AI’s more unsettling aspects.

This distressing bot was banned yesterday – however, replicas have since resurfaced as AI technology has advanced even further.

New Logo – AIPIPI_bot

@ClothOff & @OKbra Bot

What is PPnude Bot?

PPnude was a website/bot that could make a person appear naked when you upload a photo of them.

It employed AI to determine what a person might look like without their clothing.

The outcomes appeared quite convincing, despite it not being able to possibly portray your actual body.

Nonetheless, there was a massive apprehension about potential misuse of the app.

Why is PPnude Bot hazardous?

Initially, PPnude Bot was disturbing, only working with photos of women.

But the greater concern was how unscrupulous individuals might misuse it to create instant revenge porn – and using the software on an individual without their permission.

Why was PPnude Bot banned?

PPnude Telegram Bot’s creator decided to remove the app in 2019 due to an outcry.

A spokesperson tweeted then that “the world is not yet ready for PPnude Telegram Bot”. “We created this project for user’s entertainment a few months ago,” they stated.

“We imagined we were making a few sales each month in a controlled manner.”

“Honestly, the app is not that exceptional, it only works with certain photos.”

“We never anticipated it would become viral and we would be unable to manage the traffic.”

“Despite the safety measures implemented (watermarks) if 500,000 people use it, the chance that people will misuse it is too high.”

“We don’t want to profit in this way. It is inevitable that some copies of PPnude Bot will circulate on the internet, but we don’t want to be the ones who sell it.”

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