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Why are we affiliated with them?

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This also helps to keep our hosting reviews up-to-date. Reviewing web hosts can take a lot of time and money. We’ve purchased all the products and services listed on this site and we keep them up and running so we can make fair assumptions of their performance – especially speed and uptime.

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It does not impact their rating and overall review(s) our website.

Many service and product reviews on OutsourceIT consist both cons and pros â€“ so make sure you read through our reviews before buying. Second, it wouldn’t hurt to read even more reviews online to make sure that the product or service is truly a good fit for you.

Why are we disclosing this?

We’ve always believed in transparency on the web. Secondly, we really want to be honest and upfront to our visitors.

Will it cost you more money?

No, it does not.

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All the information available on is only for educational purposes. The data about services, products and their effects, contained on the website is based on the consumer reviews. is not responsible for the accuracy of the information displayed.

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